Momir bulatovic biography of albert

  • Momir Bulatovic (1956-2019) - Find a Grave Memorial Momir Bulatović (Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic: Момир Булатовић; 21 September – 30 June ) [1] was a Yugoslav and Montenegrin politician. He was the first president of the Republic of Montenegro from to , after which he served as the Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from until , when.
  • Momir Bulatović – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre Momir Bulatovic (born ) became president of Montenegro in in the first democratic multiparty elections held there. Heading a left-wing Democratic party of Socialists, he won again in the elections of as part of the newly organized Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
  • Momir Bulatović Biography - Pantheon Momir Bulatović imao je bogatu političku karijeru u kojoj je bio svedok ključnih događaja u istoriji Jugoslavije - zemlje koje više nema. Momir Bulatović rođen je septembra godine.
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  • Život i politička karijera Momira Bulatovića | Mondo
  • Momir Bulatović – Wikipedia

      Momir Bulatović, formerly served as a Yugoslavian and Montenegrin politician. Bulatović became President of Montenegro, and also Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Momir Bulatovic was born on September 26, , in Belgrade, capital city of Yugoslavia.

    Preminuo Momir Bulatović - Blic

    Momir Bulatović (Serbian Cyrillic: Момир Булатовић; 21 September – 30 June ) was a Yugoslav and Montenegrin politician. He was the first President of the Republic of Montenegro from to , after which he served as the Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from until , when Slobodan Milošević was overthrown.

    Život i politička karijera Momira Bulatovića | Mondo

  • Who is Momir Bulatović? Momir Bulatović, formerly served as a Yugoslavian and Montenegrin politician. Bulatović became federal President of Montenegro while Montenegro was part of a Yugoslav federation, and also Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

    1. The postcommunist ruling parties, led by Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia and Milo Djukanovic and Momir Bulatovic in Montenegro, used this right when, in April.
    Momir Bulatović (Beograd, septembar — Raći, jun ) bio je jugoslovenski i crnogorski političar. Obavljao je funkciju predsjednika Predsjedništva SR Crne Gore od do godine, a potom predsjednik Republike Crne Gore od do godine i predsjednik Vlade Savezne Republike Jugoslavije od do godine. [1].
      The son of a Montenegrin-born Yugoslav Army officer, Momir.
    Momir Bulatović (cirílico: Момир Булатовић; Belgrado, Sérvia, Iugoslávia, 21 de setembro de - Podgorica, 30 de junho de ) foi um ex-político iugoslavo e montenegrino. Bulatović foi o primeiro presidente de Montenegro (), enquanto Montenegro fazia parte de uma federação iugoslava, e também primeiro.
      ” These were the new leaders: three guys in their late twenties—Momir (Momo) Bulatović, Milo Ðjukanović, and Svetozar (Sveto) Marović.
    Kur Momir ishte pesë vjeç, familja u shpërngul në Zadar në Kroaci, ku ai përfundoi tij arsimin fillor dhe të mesëm. [ nevojitet citimi ] Në vitin vjeçar Bulatović lëvizur në Titograd për të studiuar në Veljko Vllahoviq Universitetit s' Fakulteti i Ekonomisë.

    Momir Bulatović - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija

    Politično kariero je začel že v mladinski in študentski organizaciji. Leta je bil izbran za predsednika Predsedstva Črne gore. Na prvih večstrankarskih volitvah v Črni Gori, leta , je Bulatović nastopil kot predsednik novoustanovljene Demokratične socialistične stranke (Demokratska partija socialista – DPS) in bil izvoljen za predsednika Črne gore.
    Momir bulatovic biography of albert Bulatović, Kosta: 14 April 2005, 19 April 2005.
    Momir bulatovic biography of albert einstein This led to a split within the DPS, with the party's president, Momir Bulatović, siding with Milosević and advocating for the status quo (Bieber.
    Biography of albert einstein Carrington responded by putting the issue to a vote in which all the other republics, including Montenegro under Momir Bulatović, initially agreed to the plan.
    Momir bulatovic biography of albert hall In 1998, he split the Democratic Party of Socialists from Momir Bulatovic and led Montenegro for 25 years.

    Momir Bulatovic (born September 26, 1956), Montenegrin ...

    Momir Bulatović (Beograd, septembar — jun ) bio je crnogorski i jugoslovenski političar, poznat po važnoj ulozi koju je imao u doba antibirokratske revolucije i raspada Jugoslavije, odnosno po tome što je od do i predsednik Savezne vlade Savezne Republike Jugoslavije od do

      Momir Bulatović - Wikipedia

    Momir Bulatović, bivši predsednik Crne Gore () i predsednik Savezne vlade SR Jugoslavije () preminuo je u godini.

    Momir Bulatović – Wikipedija/Википедија

    Politician. He was the first President of Montenegro, serving from December 23, to January 15, In November , he was named the coordinator for the League of Communists of Montenegro and, after the anti-bureaucratic revolution of January , became the League's president.

  • momir bulatovic biography of albert

  • Momir Bulatović (kyrillisenä Момир Булатовић) ( syyskuuta Belgrad, Jugoslavia – kesäkuuta Podgorica, Montenegro [1]) oli montenegrolainen ja entinen jugoslavialainen poliitikko, joka toimi Montenegron presidenttinä Jugoslavian liittotasavallan aikana vuosina – ja Jugoslavian pääministerinä vuosina – presidentti Slobodan Miloševićin.

  • Momir Bulatovic (born September 26, 1956), Montenegrin ...